最新的 話題

Guardians across Time and Space – Automated Chest Sound Monitor

Do you know what would happen to a patient in medical staff shortage area, while s/he is placed with an endotracheal tube and a ventilator, and left in an intensive care unit? Without appropriate medical equipment and manpower supply, illnesses cannot be properly tended. Patients will have to suffer from a twofold increase in hospitalization expenses day by day and eventually be forced to abandon treatment to avoid burdening their families.

Emergency Response Strategies for Health Care Facilities

Hospital readiness, which defined as the ability to effectively maintain hospital operations, sustain a medically safe environment, and adequately address the increased and unusual medical needs of the affected population.There was a huge progress in disaster preparedness of Taiwan after the Chi-Chi earthquake. The promulgation of Disaster Prevention and Protection Law that identifies the responsibility and roles of governmental organizations, the emergency preparedness of hospitals has also improved through hospital accreditation process and the regulation of Hospital Emergency and Disaster Response Guidelines and Administrative Process.

穿越時間與空間的守護 遠距智慧聽診監控系統


管路脫落漏液! 翔安生醫解決照護問題

有感於病人安全 (Patient Safety)、醫院風險管理 (Risk Management),翔安生醫以脫針漏血管路安全臨床需求切入醫療市場,此裝置具有醫療級穿戴技術,多床監控系統技術及人工智慧AI預測技術,致力解決臨床脫針、漏血等問題,主要針對血液透析管路、急重症管路、化療藥物管路及一般病房管路等,以預測及監測脫針漏血核心技術的公司,提升醫療安全及照護品質。

以通訊診療來落實primary care的契機

遠距抱抱(FarHugs)是一款遵守亞馬遜網路服務(AWS)健康保險隱私及責任法案(HIPAA Compliance)白皮書規範的通訊診療平台生態系統工具(Remote Health Eco-systemic Tool),適合以通訊軟體進行的遠距醫療,可增進治療與保健上的依從性 (Adherence) 與可及性 (Accessibility)。目前平台實施項目:問病情、診察、開立處置醫囑、原有處方之調整或指導、衛生教育,其中衛教不受機構限制,並以醫療人士個體為基本實施單位。

台灣的健康人權 需要受到國際法的保障

世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)在2003年通過「菸草控制框架公約」(Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, FCTC),並於2005年實施,這是WHO第一個具有國際法效力的公約。該公約規定包括:廣泛禁止菸草廣告、提高價格和稅收、在菸草製品上印製健康警告標籤、二手菸防制…等等措施。公約推出後,快速獲得世界各國的認同,至今已獲181個國家承諾實行,其中有168個國家正式簽署,並加以控制菸草的濫用,來維護兒童、孕婦,以及一般公民的健康人權,目前「菸草控制」是全世界的基礎共識。

控制四大危險因素 助防治非傳染性疾病



台灣社會過去因為文化與在地民情,民眾只要任何疾病皆非常仰賴醫療體系,只要身體一出現狀況就前往就醫。而全民健康保險低價的費用與99.9%的覆蓋率,再加上台灣逐步邁向高齡社會的情形下,過去台灣社會常常會出現逛醫院(hospital shopping)及多重用藥(polypharmacy)的現象。

Taiwan Nutritional Policy

A balanced diet and reasonable intake are essential for a healthy life. As a living organism, human need to eat and drink. Moreover, mental stability, learning capability, physical fitness, immunity, fertility, growth and development, are all closely dependent on a healthy diet. However, malnutrition is a serious issue on a global scale. Various forms of malnutrition and unhealthy eating habits have become one of the factors leading to the spread of many acute and chronic diseases. In order to improve the nutritional health of the people, the government has put a lot of effort into the nutrition policy.