李懿軒 藥師

Taiwanese Human Right to Health Needs to Be Protected by International Law

World Health Organization (WHO) has passed Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in 2003 and put it into practice in 2005. FCTC is WHO’s first treaty with legal effect of international law. Regulations like a comprehensive ban on all tobacco advertising, price and excise increase, health warning required on package surface and second-hand smoke control are all inclusive in this treaty. It is soon recognized by all countries. Up till today, 181 nations join as Parties to the Convention, among them there are 168 signatories. The convention aims to control tobacco use to defend human right to health for children, pregnant women and general public. Tobacco control is now a global consensus.

Taiwan’s Experience in Promoting Rational Use of Medicines

People in Taiwan rely overwhelmed heavily on medical services due to cultural influences and experiences. On top of that, low healthcare costs, 99.9% coverage offered by National Health Insurance and gradually aging society have all contributed to the phenomena of hospital shopping and polypharmacy.

Taiwan is One Answer to Drug Shortage

Drug shortage is a challenge beyond regional borders. It has become a global issue since 2011. Based on the facts of high quality talents, relatively lower labor costs and modern automated factories, Taiwan can provide higher quality generic drugs when the drugs are in short supply. Of all the drugs that are used in the National Health Insurance scheme, 75% are supplied by local manufacturers. More than half of Taiwan pharmaceuticals can swim the tide. It proves that Taiwan pharmaceuticals can do their part for supplying high quality drugs and make changes to the drug shortage issues.

台灣的健康人權 需要受到國際法的保障

世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)在2003年通過「菸草控制框架公約」(Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, FCTC),並於2005年實施,這是WHO第一個具有國際法效力的公約。該公約規定包括:廣泛禁止菸草廣告、提高價格和稅收、在菸草製品上印製健康警告標籤、二手菸防制…等等措施。公約推出後,快速獲得世界各國的認同,至今已獲181個國家承諾實行,其中有168個國家正式簽署,並加以控制菸草的濫用,來維護兒童、孕婦,以及一般公民的健康人權,目前「菸草控制」是全世界的基礎共識。


台灣社會過去因為文化與在地民情,民眾只要任何疾病皆非常仰賴醫療體系,只要身體一出現狀況就前往就醫。而全民健康保險低價的費用與99.9%的覆蓋率,再加上台灣逐步邁向高齡社會的情形下,過去台灣社會常常會出現逛醫院(hospital shopping)及多重用藥(polypharmacy)的現象。

藥物短缺 台灣是解答之一!

藥物短缺(Drug shortage)不只是地區性的問題,從2001年開始,已經逐漸轉變為全球性的問題。台灣擁有高知識水平的人力、相對較低的勞動成本,以及較早進行自動化生產的現代廠房。使得即便國際藥廠出現藥品短缺的情形下,台灣都有相對較高品質的學名藥以供因應。台灣在全民健康保險的用藥數量中,本土藥廠暫總數量的75%,並且有一半以上的藥廠具有外銷的能力。顯見在全球藥品短缺的重要時刻,台灣高品質的製藥工業可以盡一份心力。

WINWIN打包勝利 兒童科普教育