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不容忽視的蛇吻 1億美金資助抗蛇毒血清研究

在熱帶與亞熱帶國家,蛇咬傷事件是一項長期被忽視的公共議題,依世界衞生組織(World Health Organization)公開資訊指出,每年被蛇咬傷人數無確切統計,但每年預估有540萬人被蛇咬傷,因蛇吻身亡年約8.1萬至13.8萬人。因應蛇吻死亡人數持續攀升,已有 1億美金的資源投入相關研究。

全球首創預防早產裝置 降低孕婦早產風險

孕期流產、早產的盛行率甚高。長庚醫院婦產科教授鄭博仁指出,據統計,全球新生兒有超過 10% 是早產兒,且早產兒罹病機率高,目前50%流產、早產發生原因不明,臨床研究發現,孕婦「子宮頸閉鎖不全」導致早產與流產機率相當高。為解決「子宮頸閉鎖不全」這個疾病,長庚產學中心與工研院合作,花費4至5年時間研發出「無創式安胎子宮頸套環」,此項專利獨步全球,且產品雛形已出,未來有望取代必須開刀麻醉的子宮頸環紮手術。


東西方的審美觀念不同,但追求美的留存是一致性的目標,近期美國化學學會期刊《Environmental Science & Technology》發表一項報告,內文以環境污染物對衰老現象(如皺紋和老年斑)是否有關連性做相關性的研究假設。研究結果顯示,環境汙染物對於人的粒腺體DNA(mtDNA)含量、端粒長度有其影響性,這兩項指標影響細胞老化,進而影響人衰老的變化。



瓜國總統赴臺大交流 加深兩國有友誼

瓜地馬拉共和國總統莫拉雷斯(Jimmy Morales)伉儷日前訪臺,特別拜訪臺大醫院,因應兩國的「瓜地馬拉運用醫療科技提升孕產婦與新生兒保健功能計畫」,由國合組與臺大醫療團隊共同合作,在整體成效有不錯的進展,讓瓜國總統莫拉雷斯想實地走訪臺大醫院,進一步加深兩國醫療交流的友誼。

失智症是慢慢的離開 張善政:母親說日文…不認得我了!


健康是共同人權 美前衛生部長挺臺灣進WHA

臺灣產官學研長期注重健康權的實踐,積極爭取進入WHO與每一年WHA會議參與,但有媒體訊息指出今年5月下旬WHA臺灣恐再次缺席。日前美國前衛生部長普萊斯(Tom Price)抵台參訪之際,仍不忘支持臺灣,致詞過程中,以「國家」稱呼臺灣。

Taiwanese Human Right to Health Needs to Be Protected by International Law

World Health Organization (WHO) has passed Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in 2003 and put it into practice in 2005. FCTC is WHO’s first treaty with legal effect of international law. Regulations like a comprehensive ban on all tobacco advertising, price and excise increase, health warning required on package surface and second-hand smoke control are all inclusive in this treaty. It is soon recognized by all countries. Up till today, 181 nations join as Parties to the Convention, among them there are 168 signatories. The convention aims to control tobacco use to defend human right to health for children, pregnant women and general public. Tobacco control is now a global consensus.

Prevention of Chronic Diseases- awareness of four major risk factors

According to Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), the definition of chronic diseases is that the health conditions last 1 year or longer and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. The common chronic diseases include cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases. The influence of chronic disease significantly impacts personal well-being, and it is also leading nationally economic cost on certain level. In recent years, the extent of influence from chronic disease has been more and more apparent compared with other communicable diseases. Based on the global status report from World Health Organization in 2014, there were 38 million people died of noncommunicable diseases which is 68% of world population. In particular, among the 38 million people, the proportion of premature death (younger than 70 years old) was over 40%. Gradually, the importance of noncommunicable diseases was formally recognized over years and concluded four major risk factors: tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity.

Taiwan’s Experience in Promoting Rational Use of Medicines

People in Taiwan rely overwhelmed heavily on medical services due to cultural influences and experiences. On top of that, low healthcare costs, 99.9% coverage offered by National Health Insurance and gradually aging society have all contributed to the phenomena of hospital shopping and polypharmacy.