不容忽視的蛇吻 1億美金資助抗蛇毒血清研究
在熱帶與亞熱帶國家,蛇咬傷事件是一項長期被忽視的公共議題,依世界衞生組織(World Health Organization)公開資訊指出,每年被蛇咬傷人數無確切統計,但每年預估有540萬人被蛇咬傷,因蛇吻身亡年約8.1萬至13.8萬人。因應蛇吻死亡人數持續攀升,已有 1億美金的資源投入相關研究。
在熱帶與亞熱帶國家,蛇咬傷事件是一項長期被忽視的公共議題,依世界衞生組織(World Health Organization)公開資訊指出,每年被蛇咬傷人數無確切統計,但每年預估有540萬人被蛇咬傷,因蛇吻身亡年約8.1萬至13.8萬人。因應蛇吻死亡人數持續攀升,已有 1億美金的資源投入相關研究。
According to Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), the definition of chronic diseases is that the health conditions last 1 year or longer and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. The common chronic diseases include cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases. The influence of chronic disease significantly impacts personal well-being, and it is also leading nationally economic cost on certain level. In recent years, the extent of influence from chronic disease has been more and more apparent compared with other communicable diseases. Based on the global status report from World Health Organization in 2014, there were 38 million people died of noncommunicable diseases which is 68% of world population. In particular, among the 38 million people, the proportion of premature death (younger than 70 years old) was over 40%. Gradually, the importance of noncommunicable diseases was formally recognized over years and concluded four major risk factors: tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity.
Based on a WHO report, cervical cancer is worldwide the second most frequent cancer in women. The incidence of cervical cancer is the highest in Taiwan so it can be said as an invisible killer to woman health. It is most frequently diagnosed in women between the ages of 25-45. Death rate from cervical cancer is the fourth most lethal in female cancer representing 4% of all cancer deaths which trails lung cancer, liver cancer and colon cancer. Taiwan government launched pap smear screening program in 1995. After more than 20 years now, cervical cancer cases have dropped significantly.
Iodine is an important nutrient and essential to make thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone plays a vital role in regulating all the body cells’ metabolism. It supports carbohydrate metabolism, cell growth, brain development, regulating hormone release and many other body functions. Iodine is even critical to women and infants. Salt iodization is recommended by WHO to prevent and correct iodine deficiency.