Realizing Primary Care through Treatment on Telemedicine

FarHugs is a remote health eco-system tool meeting HIPAA Compliance on AWS. It is suitable for telehealth services as they are conducted through communication software. Medical adherence and accessibility are aw well promoted. Currently the platform provides services like inquiries, examinations, medical advices, prescription adjustment and instruction, and health education. Among which, health education is not limited to medical institutions, but can be conducted by any individual healthcare provider.

以通訊診療來落實primary care的契機

遠距抱抱(FarHugs)是一款遵守亞馬遜網路服務(AWS)健康保險隱私及責任法案(HIPAA Compliance)白皮書規範的通訊診療平台生態系統工具(Remote Health Eco-systemic Tool),適合以通訊軟體進行的遠距醫療,可增進治療與保健上的依從性 (Adherence) 與可及性 (Accessibility)。目前平台實施項目:問病情、診察、開立處置醫囑、原有處方之調整或指導、衛生教育,其中衛教不受機構限制,並以醫療人士個體為基本實施單位。