
This is How Taiwan Combat Droplet Spreading

Diseases like influenza and tuberculosis are transmitted through droplet viruses and have grave impacts upon Taiwan as we have cities with high population densities. Based on statistics from Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 18,533 people were killed by tuberculosis in 1947, 89 children died because of poliomyelitis in 1982, 78 children died from enterovirus 71 in 1998 and 81 lives taken away by SARS in 2003. Even up until recently, influenza killed 55 people from 2018 October to 2019 February. These terrible numbers tell us that we need to confront the diseases head-on, linking up our medicine knowledge and research techniques with the world.

防疫最前線 從受助到助人(三)

藉由飛沫傳染的病毒,不外乎流感、肺結核等疾病,這類型的疾病對人口稠密的台灣影響深遠。依台灣衛生福利部疾病管制署(Taiwan CDC)統計,1947年18,533人死於肺結核、1982年89名兒童死於小兒麻痺、1998年78名兒童死於腸病毒EV71型、2003年81人死於SARS,近期2018年10月至2019年2月55人死於流感。上述的數據顯示,輕忽態度不足以對抗新型的傳染疾病,台灣須積極面對,讓國內醫藥知識、科研技術與國際同步接軌。

WINWIN打包勝利 兒童科普教育